JAMES STRECKER: In what specific ways has COVID-19 changed your creative life in the arts?
ANDY KIM: It has not changed at all. I’ve lived a life filled with the best of blessings and the hardest pain of loss. Understanding that you break even in the end. Live your life to the fullest. Enjoy the win and celebrate the loss. Artists have to understand they have been given the gift, and nothing and no one can steal that away.
JS: How creative are you feeling with COVID-19 on your mind?
AK: I’m observing more than creating. The laws of your mind are directed by what you expect. I don’t expect anything from my art. I am only thankful when it arrives.
JS: What are your primary worries, at this time, about the present situation in the arts because of COVID-19?
AK: I’m concerned the arts have assumed that this virus will defeat and win. It will not. With so many shows being cancelled or postponed the artists’ way of life is on hold. It’s not gone. The money will return a hundred-fold if you are wise and patient. All I know is that those who have the passion to create understand, that all this, is helping them store their subconscious with songs that will blow them away. Sculptors and painters and dancers know what it takes to achieve excellence. I’m not worried for the Arts or Artists. They were here before the COVID-19 and they will be here long after you or I.